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Ch05 - Replication

Reasons for multi-machine:

  • scalability
  • HA
  • latency (route user closer to them)
  • Disconnected operation


  • shared-memory
  • shared-disk - e.g. Oracle RAC?
  • shared-nothing . i.e. horizontal scaling

Leader-follower replication

  • Leader take writes, all can take reads
  • Used by:
    • relational: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle Data Guard, SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
    • noSQL: MongoDB, RethinkDB, Espresso
    • Kafka, RabbitMQ
  • Sync vs Async replication
    • impractical for all followers to be synchronous
    • if database is configured for sync, usually one of followers is sync, others are async - "semi-synchronous"
  • Implementation of Replication Logs
    • Statement-based replication
      • not generally used (MySQL before 5.1), because problems:
        • nondeterministic functions e.g. NOW() or RAND()
        • autoincrementing columns
        • side effects (triggers, UDFs, etc)
    • Write-ahead-log shipping
      • WAG: in log structured storage engine, main palce for store. in Btree, WAL before B tree modified
      • used in PostgreSQL and Oracle
      • disadvantage: log very low level - specific disk block and bytes -> problem: zero-downtime upgrade not possible if leader and follower can't run with different version of storage engine
    • Logical (row-based) log replication
      • decoupled from storage engine internals
      • used by MySQL binlog
      • also can be used by external system, CDC
    • trigger-based - application layer
      • Oracle GoldenGate or triggers and Stored Procs
  • Dealing with replication lag and eventual consistency
    • Reading Your Own Writes
      • option 1: When reading something that the user may have modified, read it from the leader; otherwise, read it from a follower.
      • option 2: track time of last update, and query leader when within some time window
      • option 3: client can remember timestamp and require serving replica up to date
    • Monotonic Reads: second read lags behind first read
      • option 1: read from same replica
      • option 2: use sequencer?
    • consistent prefix read: causual events observed out of order
      • option 1: causal udpates in the same partition
    • using transactions - for a database to provide stronger guarantees so that the application can be simpler.

Multi-leader replication

  • use case:
    • multi-datacenter
    • Clients with offline operation
      • offline device each has a local database that acts as leader
    • Collaborative editing
  • conflict detection likely async - if sync, might as well use single leader
  • conflict avoidance
    • different "home" cluster for diff users
  • achieving convergent conflict resolution
    • each write unique ID, pick the highest ID
    • assign priority between writers
    • merge the values e.g. concat.
    • record the conflict
  • custom conflict resolution logic
    • on write
    • on read
  • auto conflict resolution research:
  • Multi-Leader Replication Topologies
    • all-to-all, circular, or star (generalize to trees)
    • circular or star topology may be broken with one failed node
    • all-to-all has problem of inconsistent ordering

Leaderless Replication - quorum based

  • "Dynamo-style" - Riak, Cassandra, and Voldemort, inspired by Amazon Dynamo
  • catch-up options:
    1. Read repair - reader can detect stale response and update
    2. anti-entropy - background process
  • quorum condition: w + r > n - b.c. set of nodes for w and r must overlap
  • issues with quorum:
    • write partial failure needs to be rolled back
    • eventual consistent without the type of replication lag gaurantees - hard to quantify
    • difficult to mointor staleness
  • sloppy quorum: writes and reads still require w and r successful responses, but those may include nodes that are not among the designated n ā€œhomeā€ nodes for a value.
    • once network inerruption is fixed, writes go back to "home" nodes - hinted handoff. so reads might not see the update.
  • Multi-datacenter:
    • Cassandra and Voldemort extends quorum to multi-datacenter. high latency writes to other datacenters often async.
    • Riak - all local. cross-dc happen async in the background
  • concurrent writes:
    • the application developer neesd to understand the internals on this
    • Last write wins based on a timestamp
      • only option in Cassandra
      • optionl on Riak
      • only safe way: each key is immutable
    • The ā€œhappens-beforeā€ relationship:
      1. B depends on A - ā€œhappens-beforeā€
      2. A and B are independent - concurrent
    • Option 1: Capturing the happens-before relationship (client send version number it depends on)
      • server maintain version for each key
      • when client writes, must include the version of a prev read and merge with it
      • server can clean up versions <= version number received in the write - since it knows it has been merged. then incre curr version # and return it in response
    • Option 2: Merging concurrently written values
      • for collections, just union the writes
      • deletes require a tombstones with a version number
    • version vectors: multiple replicas, each need a version number


  • Single-leader replication is popular because it is fairly easy to understand and there is no conflict resolution
  • Multi-leader and quorum based can be more robust in the presence of faulty nodes, network interruptions, and latency spikesā€”at the cost of being harder to reason about and providing only very weak consistency guarantees.

Reseach: Chain replication